PlaneSight is a prototype of our new General Aviation Forecasts, and is available free of charge while we test it before wider release. While every effort is made to ensure up-to-date and accurate forecasts, no warranties are given or liabilities accepted.
If you have feedback on the service we encourage you to write to us at skysight@skysight.io.
You can signup for an account today at SkySight, which lets you save your preferences and ensures continuity of service.
Task Alert enabled!
You will now receive email notifications when the selected task is predicted to be achievable.
You can configure which days you would like to receive these alerts via Settings
Clicking the symbol next to your selected task once again will stop notifications for this task.
PFD Alert enabled!
You will now receive email notifications when your specified threshold for this point is exceeded.
You can configure which days you would like to receive these alerts via Settings
You can change the name, edit the threshold or remove the alert from under the Potential Flight Distance parameter.